2021 Hämeenlinna city family services commissioned two animations for their concept Arjen Kesyttäjät. First video is a guide for easier meal times in a family with Arjen Kesyttäjät’s innovation Ruokarekka. Video will work in Youtube. This video was made in collaboration with a classmate; from treatment, storyboard and animatic to the final product with audio.
The second video for Hämeenlinna city’s family services and Arjen Kesyttäjät was about morning routines. Introducing the polette based innovation for assisting with everyday routines for children. Again made in collaboration with a classmate. Video will work in Youtube
2021 Social media animation for Kisu – Muotoilijan opas: Tuotesuunnittelulla pitkää ikää ja kierrätettävyyttä Theseus

2020 Social media animations for Lahden SETA. The client has a license for modifications, from the site The gifs are for dates as follows:
Valentine’s day, Trans humanity’s day, National family and unity’s day
National Anti gay- bi- and transphobia day, Lahti Pride, Lahden SETA birthday
2019 Notski Boksi animation about it’s conception for Souvi Group Osk. In this animation I was responsible for animation and audio design, illustrations were done by Eeva Tötterström.